Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Shape I'm In...

So, it's been a long time since I posted. Much going on. As of today, I believe I have properly arranged to fly Burlington-New York-Portland Oregon on 7/14/09. I have contacted job postings on craigslist, contacted possible living spaces on craigslist, and posted a seeking-housing bit on craigslist. And, having done this last, have had a very nice-seemingly gay man ask if I wanted to move in with him and be more than roommates. Declined nicely, of course.
Ordered a trail pack of three Weird Tales back issues. Discovered that the author of the best story I've come across in them so far is on Facebook. We've friended each other, and have been passing wall posts b&f. I'm sorta being a geeky fangirl (er, boy), but trying to restrain myself. The story was just so freakin' AWESOME.

Once I'm located in Portland, I need to get really busy with reading and writing. Far too unknowledgable regarding my favorite genre of fiction, and not doing as much writing as I'd like, either. Plenty of ideas, though. I'd like to think I can make a sale my year's end if I get more focused on cranking them out.

The future lies before us. Its way is uncertain, its promise tantalizing. Leap, and let us have faith that there will be a net to catch us, not merely the crush of jagged rocks at the bottom.

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