Thursday, October 23, 2008

Late On the Bandwagon...


...but I usually am. Never knew as much about the interblags as most of my peers I guess. Never had it at home, rarely had much time on it through high school. College was my escape into the world of computer technology, and I still know very little about it. In many ways, I'm a slow learner I suppose. I'm not entirely sure how doing this here is in any way different than working on livejournal, for instance. But I figure what the hell. I'm on both myspace and facebook, after all...

So happy that my twin sister finally had her baby on Tuesday. It was a difficult night, but he's been worth it. No doubt about it, he'll be a change in the lives of everyone who was present at the hospital. Her boyfriend's parents' first real grandchild (I guess his dad's girlfriends grandkids call him grampa, but it isn't quite the same as blood, and it was obvious from his expressions that night how different it was for him). Her first child, and with her being my twin sister, it's sort of special to me. We're fraternal, so I luckily missed out on sympathy labor pains...

Huh. this is probably more personal than I ought to be for my first ever post. But what the hell. Who's going to read this thing anyway? I reckon I can say and post whatever I like. Who'll care?

El pueblo unido jamas sera vincido. If I spelled that right (damn, is my little bits of spanish vanishing? terrible).

Looking into grad school again with a real serious eye toward doing FAFSA etc in January and tyrying to do my GRE in Williston before next summer. That way I can (fingers crossed) be in Oregon by mid-summer, and established at PSU's College of Education in September. Leadership in Ecology, Culture, and Something Else Impressive. Lovely sounding program, if I can get through it better than my undergraduate years. Maybe I'm just not cut out for the academic life. Or maybe I just let too much get in my way last time around. Too many distractions, and by the end my primary focus (tourism studies) held little interest for me, which I expect played a large role...

So, yes, that's me and my life as of this instant.

What a wonderful and crazy thing it is to be alive.


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