Thursday, October 30, 2008

So, I'm trying to learn more about how to schedule a GRE exam in Williston. I'm not turning up anything on the GRE website about testing sites and the like, but maybe I just need to keep digging...

And I was looking over my lj friends' page today when I came across this bit of silliness:

Worth watching, I think, regardless of who you vote for. For pure lunacy.

I'm glad I'm working next Tuesday night. It means no one will be up, insisting on watching other things on TV while the election coverage is on CBS. This is apt to be the last time I vote in national elections (being as I am a believer in a sort of post-modern Marxism), so I'm quite interested to see how it goes, and how the next four years pass as well...

Three and a half hours before my meeting with top brass at People's Academy. And once there, I'll be officially on the substitute teacher list as far as I can tell. Hooray for a second job. That's about it for me today. Time to go read a little of The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller. Yes, that will round out my morning nicely.


chickadeescout said...

Why are you considering not voting after this? And why this particular cut-off?

Snyrt said...

Well, ovethe past year or so I've become less and less supportive of the American political system...the more I see it necessary to scrap capitalism, the less the US "democracy" appeals to me. Meanwhile, I've managed to hang on to a little of my optimism/naivete/belief, and while I don't necessarily trust everything he says etc, Obama's touched a chord there. If he will and can get done much of what his website lays out plans for, I'll be impressed and perhaps a little of my faith will be restored. If he gets elected but fails to live up to those goals, I don't expect my optimism to survive.